Sunday 24 November 2019

Counselling For Disabled

What is Counseling?

There is a misconception that counseling is advice giving but this is not the case. Counseling is a talking therapy which can be life enhancing, promoting positive change.Counseling offers to Disable is person-centred  counseling delivered by a counsellor .  Counsellor who has the deep knowledge,counseling skills and personal insight to offer a deep understanding of disability issues.

Student-centred counseling aims to achieve personal growth and change within the individual by providing a confidential space of acceptance, genuineness, understanding and empathy.
People with disabilities have many things to deal with to establish a level of ‘normality’ in their lives. 
Some individuals cope perfectly well and adjust to living with a disability and life is ‘normal’ for them.  They accept themselves and who they are as individuals and this is no different to anyone else, the difference lies in the challenges thrown up at them, and how they deal with their situation.  Others may find the constant challenges more overwhelming and this may affect their mood, self esteem and confidence. It can be an isolating experience living with a disability at times. It’s not unreasonable to think that some of the challenges and stresses of living with a disability may impact on individuals emotionally and psychologically.
Being  a School Counsellor working for social cause  it is our moral duty to  help Students with Disabilities. and for that we have to update/acquire  special counseling skills

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